I want to sing a song that might be about a big old crap. I think this song might be about my biggest ever crap. I had a real big crap. I think you might not believe the size of my bigest crap. I think you might not believe that my crap it was so huge. I thought it might be bigger than my mom's Labrador Hugh. My big old crap it was huge. I think it was so huge that I might never poop again. And, now I don't know how that corn it stayed so well within. I thought I once heard that corn, you digest it, just leaving skin. I think that my poop, it had skin. Truly, why does that corn skin feel so wrong to have within? Perhaps because I stopped eating corn when I was only ten. I decided corn was no good so I just gave it up. But why was it still within? Perhaps that corn was a time trav'ling little piece of crap.