:Title: Fan Fiction Fan Fiction is for free still for free ---- :Title: Spock / Kirk Imagine Spock and Kirk Caught in romantic tryst without any of the true shows. ---- :Title: Fan fiction will reach for the stars Fan fiction will reach for the stars Even though normal copyright doesn't allow it Fan fiction will reach for the stars ---- :Title: When all that is left is free When all that is left is free Then we will find that we will still know about things, but oddly. ---- :Title: Imagine This Imagine this that after fists the heroes kiss ---- :Title: Han Shot First There is only one outcome for Han Solo and Jabba the Hut's friend Greedo. ---- :Title: Firefly Instead of being gone Serenity still flies the sky and keeps on going strong ---- :Title: Rewrite Fans would rewrite things that they liked And it would be good for all of us. ---- :Title: Mary Sue I could write things about myself in the story. ---- :Title: All that's remembered And when all that's remembered is that we love. Then the fans will retell it and they'll tell it like they love it and the fans will tell it like they love.