Some people go to the beach to have lots of fun. Others go to the beach to relax. But me? Me? What do I do there? I sit. I sit, and quietly read. I like to read my books. It is nice. I like it. And you, and you, sit there with me. And you, and you, you are my book. I like to read my books they are nice. I sit here quietly, look a mouse! He's not reading, at least that I see. He's probably hungry and looking for feed. But, I'm alone. Just on this beach. Reading my book and drinking tea. So I shall sit here, and watch the mouse work. While the waves, they do play. I sit here and read and stare at the sea. And sometimes it might stare back at me. Still I sit, quietly. Staring off to the sea. Then, it's back, time to read.