

I have been thinking about doing
something about my commute.
I think the answer is to disappear.
Disappear at home
and then to reappear at work,
at work with no space in between.

I have figured it out.
The disappearing bit.
I've figured out.
It really was a trip.
And I am now somewhere
but I think it's somewhere else.

I just need to figure out
the way to reappear.
I have managed to disappear
but I don't know how to reappear.

I know that it's really possible
because I did disappear.
I know that it is, yes, surely possible.
Possible to reappear.

But by now, I don't want to go to work.
I'm kind of hungry and tired.
Yes, right now, I kind of don't want to go to work.
Not at all!
I just want to reappear in my bed!
In my bed and rest, yes, my wearing head,
at least, for a while.

But somehow I disappeared, somehow I disappeared.
But I don't know how to reappear.
And I'm lost somewhere. Neverwhere.
I'm lost somewhere. Everywhere.

And I'm kind of really lost.
I just want to go home
where I keep all my stuff.
I kind of want to leave this place,
but I don't think it's a place at all, at all.

So I'm stuck,
stuck here,
or maybe there.
Or maybe I'm
not anywhere
at all.


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Another day's commute


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