lo-fi acepalla
[0:00:03] The Winter Olympics
[0:03:21] The Santacrawl
[0:06:34] Santa Claus and his Work
[0:09:42] A Snowman out of Hay
[0:12:57] If the Snowmen Succeed
[0:15:56] The Wintertime of the Oil Industry
[0:19:08] Prose You Can Use
[0:22:31] That Groundhog Has a Day
[0:25:39] Hey, Look It's the Olympics
[0:28:55] In the Wintertime of the Olympics
[0:32:06] Help that Good Bear
[0:35:30] I think I am an Animal
[0:38:56] An Exercise of my Mind
[0:42:08] Please Don't Sell Children