I am the bow






I am the bow.
I am the bow.
Do I have any arrows
you know?

I am the bow.
I am the bow.
A tool wielded
by you.

What will you aim at
What will your arrows
fly, fly to?

What will you aim at
I kind of want to know.

It doesn't matter
because I will
do exactly what
you want me to.

It doesn't matter
because I will
do what you want of me.

I am your bow.
Point me at what you desire.
I am your bow.
Wield me wise.
Please, please, please.

I am your bow.
And you use me.
Exactly how I want it to be.

I am your bow,
and you use me.
Exactly how you like.

This makes me glad.
This makes me
so, so glad.

I just want to be
in your arms tonight.
Oh! Tonight!

I am your bow.
String me with your arrows.
Let them fly, fly, fly.

I am your bow.
Please use me tonight.
Oh! Tonight.

I am your bow.
Please, please.
Pick me up in your arms tonight.

Where will we go?
What will we do?
It matters not
in the long night.

I am your bow.
Please use me.
Hold me tight, tight, tight.

Wherever we go tonight,
it will be a delight.



Lo-Fi Folk Acapella

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