I have often wondered what it might be like to live near Errol and see him toot.
He is a lovely, lovely man.
He is really quite the stud.
Would it be like Mr. Right?
Would it be like that poor lad from Monty Python?
When I got there I thought it might be ...
When I got there I thought it might be ...
Mr. Right!
But wait, there's more, it's true.
There's more, it's true.
When I got there I thought it might be ...
But there was Errol!
And he was just a regular old dude.
Just a regular old dude, that is why he was called.
But he was exactly the sort of dude
that you, my friend, should never, ever meet.
When I got there I thought it would be fun!
I thought it would be fun to ride my bike
and to blow kisses to all the lovely people.
But then I thought about something else.
Have you thought of maybe
being on a date with Errol?
At least, if it's on a cat bus.
I think that would be really sweet.
On a cat bus, you can date all the lovely people
and still have lots of fun.
I think that would be really sweet.
On a cat bus, I could date all the lovely people
and just have lots of fun.
Follow me! I am traveling on this lovely cat bus.
And, if I were a cat, I would love to date all of them.
I think that would be really sweet.
On a cat bus, I could date all the lovely people
and still have lots of fun.
Follow me! I am traveling on this lovely cat bus.
And, if I were a cat, I would love to date all of them.
I think that would be really sweet.
On a cat bus, I could date all the lovely people
and have lots of fun.